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The Technological Pathway of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) consists of fully-engineered solutions and solutions that enhance natural carbon removal and sequestration processes through the application of engineered components. Innovative solutions within this pathway, like Direct Air Capture (DAC), are emerging as crucial tools in the fight against global warming as the impact of excess carbon in our atmosphere intensifies. Octavia Carbon, a recipient of Climate Vault’s 2023 Carbon Dioxide Removal Innovation Award, is the Global South’s first DAC company that is leveraging Kenya’s unique geothermal capabilities to reverse the effects of climate change. 

In a recent webinar, we sat down with Martin Freimüller, the Co-founder and CEO of Octavia Carbon, and Professor Daniel Schrag, a leading expert in environmental science, energy technology and policy, as well as a member of the Climate Vault Tech Chamber. Together they discussed the science, technology, and future potential of carbon sequestration through DAC and why Kenya is an ideal location for this CDR technology. Here are the top five takeaways from the conversation:

1. Kenya’s Geothermal Advantage for Direct Air Capture

Kenya’s abundant geothermal energy is a game-changing asset for DAC technology. This is because geothermal energy is inherently renewable and has a minimal carbon footprint. This makes it an ideal power source for DAC systems, which are energy-intensive by nature. “This isn’t just about deploying DAC wherever we can,” Professor Schrag said. “We have to ensure that the energy sources used are clean, otherwise, we risk negating the positive impact we’re trying to create.” The country’s geothermal resources provide a significant advantage due to their low carbon emissions and cost-effectiveness. 

Martin emphasized that “Kenya’s grid today is 93 percent renewable, and our specific deployment area draws 100 percent renewable energy from geothermal and wind. This makes Kenya an incredibly exciting place for DAC technology.” This clean energy mix is not just beneficial for powering DAC operations but also crucial for providing the necessary heat for the capture process. Given that a large percentage of geothermal heat is often wasted, leveraging this waste heat for DAC can significantly enhance the efficiency and reduce the operational costs of these systems. According to Martin, “About a gigawatt-hour of geothermal energy per day currently goes to waste, especially at night. We can repurpose this waste heat for DAC and other uses, reducing energy waste and lowering costs.”

2. Expanding Energy Access

The implementation of DAC technology in Kenya has the potential to drive significant positive changes beyond carbon capture. Kenya’s progress in electrifying rural areas, with a notable increase in grid connectivity from around 15% to 70% over recent decades, highlights the country’s commitment to expanding energy access. “Kenya has over 10 gigawatts of geothermal potential,” said Martin, “but it currently lacks the industrial demand to fully utilize this resource. DAC technology can provide that demand and help subsidize the electrification of rural areas.”

Furthermore, utilizing geothermal waste heat and repurposing unused geothermal infrastructure can help mitigate energy waste and lower the overall cost of electricity, benefiting both urban and rural communities. “I am excited about the potential for DAC to complement and even accelerate the development of renewable energy infrastructure in regions like East Africa,” shared Professor Schrag.

3. A Model for Other Regions

The success of DAC in Kenya could serve as a model for other regions. Professor Schrag highlighted that countries like Iceland have already demonstrated the economic potential of geothermal energy, and Kenya is on a similar path. “Countries rich in renewable energy, like Kenya, have an incredible economic opportunity in this new world we’re creating. This can serve as a model for other countries with similar resources.”

The ability to capture and store CO2 efficiently while utilizing low-cost renewable energy could set a precedent for sustainable industrial practices globally. For instance, countries with substantial hydro resources, like Brazil, or regions with high geothermal potential, could adopt similar strategies. “The beauty of DAC is in its versatility,” added Professor Schrag. “You can place it in remote locations where energy is abundant but industrial infrastructure may not yet be developed and in theory it should do very well.”

4. Scaling Up DAC: Challenges and Opportunities

Looking ahead, both Professor Schrag and Martin stressed the importance of scaling up DAC technologies to achieve significant climate impacts. The coming decade will be crucial for testing various approaches and learning from different projects. “DAC is still in its infancy, and we need a lot of experimentation and learning from various approaches,” emphasized Professor Schrag. “The real breakthroughs will come from scaling these technologies and discovering what works best. There’s a misconception that DAC is just an expensive, niche technology, but as it scales, costs will drop, and it will become a critical part of the global climate solution.”

Martin echoed this sentiment, noting that Octavia Carbon’s goal is to scale up to capture one million tons of CO2 per year, as well as achieve the $100/tCO2 price point that is generally considered the threshold at which CDR technologies become economically feasible and accessible to a broader market. In order to achieve this ambitious target, Octavia Carbon aims to drive down costs through economies of scale and make DAC a viable solution for large-scale carbon removal. The focus on continuous deployment and innovation is essential for unlocking the full potential of DAC and achieving meaningful climate outcomes.

5. Economic Development and Investment Opportunities

DAC technologies, like those being developed by Octavia Carbon, could have a transformative economic impact on developing regions. However, Professor Schrag noted that substantial investments are needed to scale renewable energy projects, including DAC facilities. “The opportunity for outside investment in renewable energy projects in Africa is enormous. The impact of such investments can be profound, especially in countries that are currently very low in energy investment.” At the moment, only a small fraction of global energy investments flow into Africa, but this is changing.

Investing in geothermal plants and DAC technology in regions like Burundi or other parts of East Africa could have transformative effects on local economies. By attracting outside investment and leveraging local resources, these projects could stimulate economic development, create jobs, and enhance energy access. “If we get it right, DAC can drive economic growth in regions like Kenya and Burundi, providing not only a carbon solution but also new industries and jobs powered by renewable energy,” said Martin. “The future of DAC relies not just on technology but on collaboration—between governments, businesses, and communities—to ensure it’s implemented in a way that benefits both the climate and local populations.”

A Vision for Kenya as a Global Direct Air Capture Leader

Climate Vault’s “Unlocking Technological Innovation with Octavia Carbon” webinar offered a glimpse into the transformative potential of DAC technology, especially when combined with Kenya’s geothermal resources. From driving climate action to fostering economic development, Octavia Carbon will play a critical role in unlocking the full potential of DAC and making a meaningful impact on our planet’s future. As Martin put it, “Our vision is to make Kenya the centerpiece of direct air capture, showing the world that not only can Africans build the future, but we can excel in providing a crucial service for climate action.”

Want to learn more about Octavia Carbon and its potential impact on the CDR space? Register to view the webinar-on-demand and hear from Martin firsthand about how his team is leveraging Kenya’s geothermal resources to scale DAC technologies.